Tuesday 27 March 2007

What is wrong?

I've been losing my eyesight lately, for whatever reasons.
I'm having blurry vision for the whole day (many days) and I have to squirm and squirt my eyes in order to see whatever I want to see. Not sure why, perhaps lack of sleep and having too bright lights in the office?

There are many things that contribute to a perfect (or rather better) working environment.

Firstly, we should have good working partners - which is sadly lacking in this place I'm working in. People are just only interested in what they are working on, and aren't willing to help each other out. Else, there aren't initiatives to help each other out and rather spend their time doing other stuff.

Second - Communication
If everyone can communicate properly to each other on what they want and need, I guess things won't be in such a mess now. There are things which I don't and won't understand since I'm not an engineering person. Hence if there are no clear instructions/ briefing, I won't be able to complete the job throughly despite putting much efforts into it. The worst thing is, when the party is not listening to what I'm trying to say based on what I know. It might not be right, but at least it explains what I'm working on (based on my knowledge) and that you'll get a better picture. I won't say that I'm an expert or whatsoever, but at least I try my best. Everytime I try to get a confirmation, I'm being "pushed away" with reasons being "busy" or "just ignore it". Well, how can I complete my work then?

Third - Workflow
If there are proper workflow dictated to us, work should be done easier. I guess too many cooks spoil the broth. Everyone has their own opinion and tries to injet their own "flavour" and opinion. It's even worse when the boss himself do not know what he wants.

I guess it's just my luck to meet all these obstacles.
Perhaps I shouldn't expect too much.

Well I always believe that I can do it, and I shall.

you've really disappointed me today.

.:: Juan Juan ::.

Wednesday 21 March 2007


今天无意间在 itunes 里听到这首歌。






- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

歌名: 旅程
歌手: 梁静茹
曲: 黄子达 词: 管启源

最近的天气有一点冷 我就不想出门 只想安静的独自一个人
最近的生活并不认真 总是坐着发愣 偶尔会需要这样的过程

是我的责任 让你心中 乱了分寸
你小心的问 不停的问

其实我并没有你想像中完整 不会永远都像当初单纯
不要把我当成小孩 能不能
其实你不需要总是为我心疼 不想永远依赖你的体温
我害怕你爱到最后 失去灵魂

因为怕失去所以迷人 你的每一个吻 让我明白怎样才算认真
因为时间比爱情伤人 我不得不承认 熟悉的最后都变的陌生
你不要追问 未来还有什么可能
这一段旅程 还没有完成

Friday 16 March 2007

Grouchier than ever...

i hate mornings.

well, perhaps more in Austria only.

i hate the feeling of waking up in the morning, feeling damn irritated.
i hate the feeling that I don't get enough sleep due to extensive snoring from my roommate.
i hate the feeling that I don't have any personal space here.

ijust feeling damn grouchy these few mornings.
just ignore me.

Sidenote: (but Chanel made my day today. Thanks gal! CB* rocks!)
*sorry folks, private joke

Thursday 15 March 2007

To all my NCRF...

This post is specially dedicated to all my non-chinese reading friends (herein referred to as NCRF) who have been complaining about my blog being written in Chinese. The last straw came from Gerald, whose comment was "OMG! Your blog is in chinese. OMG" when I asked him to visit my blog. (So you happy now? Better leave me comments!!)

Well... let me see... why do I blog in Chinese?
After much deep thinking, I can only think of these few SIMPLE reasons:

a) It SEEMS more sophisticated.
b) It reminds me that I'm so bilingually talented.
c) It makes me realise how wonderful my hanyu pinyin is.

Honestly, I like writing in both English and Chinese. But am actually learning to write better phrases in Chinese I guess. And being in Europe currently, one can't help going back to one's roots I guess. (CRAP! hahaha).

I've been very lazy lately to update my blog (as always) but I've taken TONS of photos lately, esp during the trip to Vienna 2 weekends ago. I guess I have to blame it on my camera settings (1 photo is 2.8MB!!!) cos I got to resize and all (me being a perfectionist and all hahahah). Well, I'll just have to re-set the bloody camera to a smaller file size I guess so that my beloved readers (any out there?) can get to see the beautiful city of Graz (once again) and Vienna.

Till then, my dear NCRFs...wait for my next english post..

.::Juan Juan::.

Sidenote to Gerald:
Yup seen that you've finally updated your blog (for my sake according to you)... but but but.. no mention of me at all!! If it's for my sake, then shd at least give me a footnote or what ah.. hehehe

Wednesday 7 March 2007

不用刻意的想Title (Milk说的)

今天终于看完《花样少年少女》了~~ (吴尊真的很帅~~)



虽然这些日子,我亲身体验到离开心爱的人的身边是多么的辛苦, 也完全明白需要一个人依靠,拥抱和那在我头上轻轻抚摸我的头发的感觉的重要性。但我还是改不掉我独立性格的习惯,任性地离乡背景,也从中失去了拥抱,依靠等等的权利。不管我有多独立坚强,渴望爱情的滋润应该是个很基本的事吧?不要笑我啊,我也是歇下外壳的我还是个感性的小女人啊!




Friday 2 March 2007



最近看了几套偶像剧 - 花样少年少女,东方朱丽叶 (实在没办法看完),求婚事务所之情书等等。还有一螺的戏等着我,叫着我,呼唤着我。但我每次看完一出戏都会感触特别多。不论是喜剧或悲剧,我就会消沉一阵子,心里闷闷的,无法从剧情里脱身。看来还是少看为妙。

Haiku其实是一种日本的诗 - 由三行句子组成。

Symmetrical sights
Oh please let her see the light
Give me back my night

Rhythmic awakes
Light beckons me when eyes closed
Three o'clock daily


经过长年累月和杨尚公的耐心指点及示范,(我只差没有把我的电脑丢出窗外),我开始认认真真地努力搜索专辑照片,新歌及整齐歌曲的资料。但是,应该是itunes不喜欢我吧,无论我怎么跟我的ipod "sync",始终还是不能达成我所最求的完美境界。只好慢慢来吧。

还好还有一个杨尚公伴随左右,陪我一起笑,一起吃喝拉,一起写部落格,一起胡闹,一起对付小人。感谢上天赐给我一个杨尚公,也感谢杨尚公介绍这份工作给我,让我扬眉吐气,可以回国过些舒服的日子。也让我知道家人和朋友对我有多重要。在此,还是要跟杨尚公说声 [对不起],我把你拉到跟我一样的破"三板"。 但庆幸的是:[还好有你在]。
